Call for Papers

Venue: Graduate Minneapolis Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 05.03.2023

Decision notification: 12.03.2023

Camera ready paper due: 20.03.2023

Application for travel awards 17.02.2023

Workshop: 27.04.2023

Application for travel award may be submitted here. Important note: if you plan to apply for travel award, paper has to be submitted by 25.01.2022.

Workshop scope

The workshop addresses the problems of development and application of fair algorithms in areas of Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine learning (ML) and Decision making (DM).

We welcome submissions of novel work in the area of fairness with a special interest on (but not limited to):

  • Fair classification, regression and clustering algorithms
  • Envy free classification, regression and clustering algorithms
  • Pre-processing, in-processing, post-processing techniques in fair AI/ML/DM
  • Fair ranking algorithms
  • Fairness in recommendations and recommender systems
  • Fair classification and regression on graphs
  • Fair deep learning algorithms
  • Novel measures of group and individual fairness
  • Fairness and causal inference
  • Novel mathematical formulations of fairness concepts
  • Trade-offs between fairness metrics
  • Trade-offs between algorithmic performance and fairness metrics.
  • Fair embeddings
  • Fair data imputation
  • Fair algorithm applications
  • Fairness-sensitive algorithms in practice
  • Benchmark datasets for AI/ML/DM
  • Applications and case studies of fair AI/ML/DM models in different domains (marketing, healthcare, law, banking etc.)

Submission guidelines

Paper length: 5-9 pages including abstract, bibliography and appendices. Papers must have an abstract with a maximum of 300 words and a keyword list with no more than six keywords.

Review: Double blind.

Format: Papers should be submitted in pdf format. Papers must be prepared in LaTeX2e, and formatted using SIAM’s double column template.

Latex template is available here.

Submission: All papers should be submitted through EasyChair submission system.

Dual-submission policy: we accept submissions of ongoing unpublished work as well as work submitted elsewhere (FAccT, ICLR, SaTML, etc), or substantial extensions of works presented at other venues (not in proceedings). We however do not accept work that has been previously accepted as a journal or conference proceedings (including the main SDM conference).
